Today's Stitching

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Goodbye Loyal Companion

Daisy has been our loyal companion since we rescued her from the pound ten years ago. She passed way last night after failing health for the past few years. We were so happy she lasted to enjoy this wonderful summer, her joy in life was laying in the cool grass or basking in a bit of sunshine. She spent her winters mostly in her bed next to the woodburner and only went out in the cold and snow when she had to, but summer was for outside.

Daisy was famous for her waggy tail and beagle nose. She would track a smell all around the yard and boy could she bay!

She only ate things that had walked the veggies for her! The only exception was Cookies.....boy did she love cookies!

She will join her best beagle friend Mrs. Peabody in the canine burial ground on our property. She will be missed......


Jeanne said...

So sorry for your loss. Sending hugs your way.

Val said...

How sad for you all, but you obviously have many happy memories of Daisy. Once you have a dog in your heart - it never goes away does it?
Blessings to you,